Welcome Class of 2028 and All New Students!
Welcome new Bantams!
We in the Student Accessibility Resource Center are so excited that you've decided to join us at Trinity College, and look forward to working with you any way that we can.
This information is for students who are applying for disability related accommodations. If you are interested in learning more about disability accommodations at Trinity, please don’t hesitate to contact SARC@trincoll.edu. In the meantime, for more information about disability documentation requirements, please check here.
Once we connect, we can decide on a way to talk—email, Zoom, etc.; however you feel comfortable.
For incoming students, you will receive an email in early May via the email account you provided on your admissions application. This email will include instructions on how to set up your new credentials for Trinity online services. You can use these credentials to access your New Student Portal, where you can complete your Starting Out Tasks. One of the tasks is to complete your Voluntary Disability Disclosure Form.
Once you have completed that form, if you would like to apply for accommodations, you can complete the Application Form.
This form covers both academic and student life (housing, meal plan) accommodations. When completing the form, please be as specific as possible when listing your accommodation requests, as this will help during the review process.
If you plan to apply for academic accommodations such as extended time on tests and quizzes, please wait to complete your timed, online math placement exam until your extended time is approved.